Meet the Team – Claire Ellis

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Meet our new Event Manager - Claire Ellis

Meet our latest member of the AP LIVE Team.

Introducing Claire, our new Events Manager, who has recently joined the AP LIVE team!

Claire has a wealth of experience as a developer of high-profile projects and events across a range of industry sectors. She has successfully managed a range of clients, suppliers, and staff for over 15-years as a Senior Event/Project Manager. Her exceptional project management skills, an eye for detail, and an aptitude for problem-solving make her a great addition to Team AP LIVE.

Phrases most likely to say

There is never a problem, simply a challenge for which we need to find a solution!

Claire in a nutshell

In a nutshell, Claire is an experienced and smiley-positive professional with a talent for global event management. Despite being new to the team, she brings a wealth of valuable experience to the table. Her passion for the events industry is evident in her problem-solving abilities and dedication to creating successful and memorable events. With her positive attitude and expertise, she is sure to make her events fly with success.

Typical Day

If I wake early enough, I love to make strong coffee and read a book in bed before cracking on with the day.  

I love working in events, and my career has meant that I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people and brands across the globe.  

I am not sure that you have a typical day in the world of events…one day you can be working away on creative briefs and budgets at your desk the next you are tearing around an international conference centre trying to find a VIP speaker that has gone AWOL!!! No day is ever the same, but it is always fun and certainly never boring! 

 What I wanted to be when I was younger

Not sure I can remember that far back!!! But I was a very keen dancer from the age of 3 and still like to shake a tail feather given the opportunity! 

Contact Claire here


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