Event Doctor: Multi-tasking Vs. Uni-tasking

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Uni-tasking Vs. Multi-tasking: A Paradigm Shift for Event Organisers

Event Doctor: Mastering the art of Uni-tasking for better organisation performance.

Managing an event uses a unique set of skills, often, if not always, required at the same time! In this latest article in our Event Doctors Series, we visit how we can make the most of our time, to optimise our best performance, especially whilst under pressure.

Multi-tasking has become a buzzword, hailed as the holy grail of productivity. Especially true for event managers, who juggle numerous tasks at once – from coordinating with vendors, checking logistics, ensuring guest satisfaction, and managing unexpected challenges.

But what if we’re approaching this all wrong? What if uni-tasking, focusing on one task at a time, is the key to success?

Read on as we scratch the surface by discovering the advantages of uni-tasking, over multi-tasking, and explore how a conscious work mindset may just revolutionise the way we operate.

Event doctor: Uni-taking for better performance

Quality Over Quantity:


Juggling multiple tasks might give the illusion of productivity, but it often results in compromised quality. In the bid to do everything, attention to detail is usually sacrificed.


By focusing on one task at a time, event organisers can give undivided attention to the job at hand. This ensures higher quality output and fewer errors.


Better Cognitive Function:


Splitting your attention among various tasks can strain cognitive resources, leading to brain fatigue and reduced efficiency.


Focusing on a single task allows for deeper concentration and cognitive engagement, ensuring tasks are completed with better clarity and comprehension.


Reduced Stress:


Constantly switching between tasks, especially under tight deadlines, can elevate stress levels. This stress can, in turn, hinder overall performance and even harm well-being.


Engaging in one task at a time reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed and makes managing workloads more feasible, leading to reduced stress.


Enhanced Creativity and Innovation:


When the mind is scattered, there’s little room for creative thinking.


Immersing yourself in a singular task can lead to moments of ‘flow’ where creativity and innovation flourish. Definitely beneficial for event organisers seeking to introduce unique elements to their events.

Time Efficiency:


Contrary to popular belief, multi-tasking often increases the time required to complete tasks. This is because the brain loses time and efficiency in the process of switching between tasks.


Without the constant switch, tasks are completed in a shorter timeframe. This results in genuine time savings.


Why a Conscious Work Mindset Matters for Event Managers

Event organising requires meticulous planning, an eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges. With a conscious work mindset:

Decision Making is Sharper:

Instead of getting pulled in multiple directions, organisers can make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Relationship Building is Enhanced:

By being fully present during meetings or negotiations, event organisers can build stronger relationships with clients, vendors, and stakeholders.

Enhanced Reputation:

Delivering quality consistently can enhance an organiser’s reputation in the industry.

A lesson from Sarah Furness – former RAF Combat Helicopter Pilot

The reason AP LIVE are new advocates for Uni-tasking:

Earlier this year, we were lucky enough attend a keynote speech from No.1 bestselling author of Fly Higher – Sarah Furness of Well Be It.

Sarah, a former RAF Helicopter Pilot turned motivational and inspirational leadership speaker, was the highlight of our day.

Her unique and brave background has given her the skills to master uni-tasking, and elevates her to be the perfect ambassador for inspiring how to work at your best, even under immense pressure.

As a Squadron Leader she led on operational combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. During her experiences both at home and at war, she made two important discoveries; – RESILIENCE and PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE is NOT instinctive, but humans have an extraordinary ability to thrive and even excel under pressure…


In her talk, ‘Under Fire’, Sarah spoke of the effectiveness on uni-tasking.  Accusing the benefits gained from the art of multi-tasking is a myth, that has been proven to decrease performance, and increase stress.

We asked Sarah what she thought were the biggest obstacles to get in the way of multi-tasking success.  “It’s probably the fact that people deep down, don’t back themselves to prioritise effectively, so instead they just try and do everything.

This idea of doing everything and being everything to everyone is something we need to give ourselves permission to let go of, if we want to realise our true potential”.

Sarah continued “I think also, we need to make our peace with the fact that the path to personal growth is not easy. It takes effort, because our brains naturally resist change.

So even if we think uni-tasking is the best idea ever, we need to be prepared for that fact it might feel a bit too difficult at times.

However, it’s worth pushing through those barriers. Once you’ve found uni-tasking nirvana, you’ll never look back!”


To be as inspired as we were, have a look at her latest video on the subject here. Sarah is available for captivating, motivational keynotes speeches to inspire small to large audiences on Performance, Resilience, Leadership/Teamship and Change/Growth. Follow her for more insights on LinkedIn.


To get the most out of your multi-faceted planning …Stop multi-tasking and start uni-tasking!



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