Meet the Team – Mark Frias-Robles 

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Phrase most likely to say: 

“Can do – let’s find a way to make that work!”

Mark in a nutshell:

Someone get me out – I’m stuck in a nutshell!

I’m fun, friendly, positive, and passionate. I strongly believe that life is made for making great memories and I champion that in and out of work. When not working, you’ll find me either on the beach, in the kitchen cooking up a storm or off exploring somewhere new – I love to travel! Proud to be out and queer (he/him/his), I strive to create environments where everyone feels safe and comfortable to always be their true authentic self.


What did I want to do when I was younger:

A performer – I saw the UK tour of FAME when I was a teenager and said, “That’s what I wanna do!” Jump ahead three years and I was in London on a scholarship at a musical theatre college. After graduating, I managed to achieve a 10-year career as a dancer working jobs that took me all over the world, from Tokyo to the Caribbean. I’ve always had a passion for entertainment, and feel a huge sense of achievement when delivering something joyful and entertaining to audiences – so a pivot into the world of events was the perfect step when hanging up my dancing shoes.